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Question 1 of 3
1. Question
What did you learn about anger in the family you grew up in? Here are some possibilities:
It’s okay for adults to show anger but not kids.
It’s okay for boys to show anger but not girls.
People won’t like me if I’m angry.
Anger always hurts people.
Write down yours.
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Question 2 of 3
2. Question
What did you learn from society (schools, TV, church, athletics) about dealing with anger? Here are some possibilities:
Nice people don’t get angry.
Being angry is a sign of weakness.
If I get angry it causes more anger to come back at me.
People justify their own anger but condemn me when I’m angry.
If I get angry, I get benched/dismissed/punished or attacked.
Write down yours.
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Question 3 of 3
3. Question
Are any of those true for you?
Take a moment to write down and describe your own lessons. How was anger modeled for you?
What do you believe about anger today because of your childhood messages? How is this affecting your divorce?
This response will be awarded full points automatically, but it can be reviewed and adjusted after submission.
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