Contact Us
Los Angeles,
LA 91344
Frequently Asked Questions
Determine right now to make a commitment to yourself to show up to every session and do the reading and homework. This is a gift you are giving yourself.
You can. But why would you do that to yourself? Recovering from divorce is not an intellectual process. It’s an emotional one. That requires human interaction. Many have quickly learned that it feels better to be with people than to be alone. This is a come as you are proposition. Show up as you are…with your tears and your fears, and let yourself be supported.
That depends on a lot of factors: Kids, finances, education, support to mention a few. What I can tell you is that people who attend the multi-session course recover around two years faster than people who work through things on their own.
Participants love the in-person groups. (You can read some comments here.) Together we will make our online groups just as cozy. I will be online a lot to support you, and you will have each other in our weekly calls and our Community Group.